OneKitProjects provides free instructions for robotics projects using these robotics kits. All projects include complete building instructions as well as programs you can view or download.
This site does not use accounts and collects no personal information on you.
This is a free resource for your education and enjoyment.
The projects are free to build and use. Feel free to make your own versions and share them, but if you repost them you should reference the source here at OneKitProjects.com, and not try to make money from them. Technically this means these projects are covered by a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license.

Dave Parker has been designing and building projects for LEGO MINDSTORMS and other robotics kits for over 20 years.
I have worked as a Software Engineer, Computer Science Professor, and an independent STEM Educator, as well as volunteering extensively as a youth robotics coach and mentor.
You can contact me here.
LEGO and MINDSTORMS are registered trademarks of The LEGO Group.
VEX and VEX Robotics are trademarks of Innovation First, Inc.
OneKitProjects is neither affiliated with nor endorsed by LEGO or Innovation First.